#mr santiago
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livelaughlovechai · 11 months ago
Why are so many men embarassing like yall embarassing whole countries why cant yall all just be like jake peralta fuck it everyone should be jake peralta regardless of gender lets all just identify as jake peralta
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kairennart · 10 months ago
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rice-pudding-slaps · 27 days ago
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Francisca Barría covering Mr. Mistoffelees in the Viña del Mar shows!
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kitar1o · 10 months ago
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brooklyn 99 scarian
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variousqueerthings · 9 months ago
ben daniels as santiago filled with utter loathing for humanity as anything but flesh to devour, looking straight at the camera as he says that the audience disgusts him and how he loves them for it before psychologically torturing a woman onstage and giving her over to be feasted upon by the other vampires
me: twirling my hair and giggling and kicking my feet and blushing
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ersahtz · 28 days ago
Jake peralta and Amy Santiago are the modern Miriam weissman and Joel maisel nobody will change my mind. Fucking phenomenal woman falls for devotion by average man who knows well enough to sit by the sidelines with hearts in his eyes and be supportive and awestruck.
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oscarisaacedit · 1 year ago
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𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 : 𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐄𝐫𝐚𝐬 🎬🪩💋
#oscarisaac #oscarisaachernandezestrada #oscarisaacedit #oscarisaacfanpage #oscarisaacthecharacterseras #theeras #moonknight #marcspector #stevengrant #jakelockley #starwars #poedameron #triplefrontera #santiagogarcia #duna #letoatreides #scenesfromamarriage #jonathanlevy #theletterroom #exmachima #nathanbatemam #thecardcounter #williamtell #acrossthespiderverse #miguelohara #spiderman2099
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per-the-jellicle-magician · 1 month ago
One day I'll write down all the similarities between Warsaw and Gothenburg designs cuz yeah I'm not saying someone got inspired but when your Tugger looks like an emo version of my Tugger I think the inspiration was there XD
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askfacultystaff · 9 months ago
Summertime Vibes Pt.18.
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Principal is having a peaceful nap with Mr. Kat ever since he's still taking good care of him. Even someone just recorded them sleeping, how adorable -v-
Since Dread is stalking Ronnie Anne, even entities can enjoy Summer whenever they want. When he's drinking bubble tea, he noticed something that can disgust him, you might guess what's on Ronnie Anne's playlists title.
In future, Lily and Carlitos are taking a walk, telling what her brother, Rama is up to. Which hinted he's hanging out with his friends from schoolhouse. Lily and Carlitos being such a good friends even they grown up -v-
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rice-pudding-slaps · 7 months ago
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More photos shared by Jean Paul Bauer on Instagram!
Performance photos are from the weekend of July 12th-13th in Santiago, backstage photos are from August 17th in Concepción
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exquisiteserotonin · 2 years ago
Fiction Masterlist
Started: 08/01/2023
Last updated: 12/03/2023
Legend: 🔥- Smut | 💞 - Fluff | 💔 Angst
Secret Character:
La Petit Mort 🔥
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Better Than Vanilla 🔥
After Swim Practice 🔥💞
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Precious Possessions 🔥🔥🔥💔
Series Master List (UPDATED 01/13/2025)
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Footsteps to Follow
Series Master List- 💞💔
Take My Love, Take it Down -🔥💞💔
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These Two Crazy Kids Series
Stargazin' 🔥💞
Love & Desire 🔥💞💔
Closer Than You Might Believe🔥💞💔
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In the Velvet Light (Moon Knight System) 🔥💞
Ternion (Jonathan Levy w/ young Mr. Ben) 🔥
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firawren · 2 years ago
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Pride and Prejudice Chapter 38: Mr. Collins enjoys the chance to humble brag as Elizabeth is leaving Hunsford
View the full series of P&P chapter memes here
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m-heyd · 2 months ago
I beg you, don't take it seriously! This is just a silly video!
I'm not the artist of these drawings! I created the video!
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jockpoetry · 9 months ago
Tender can turn to Tinder is an insane line.
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illfatedpartners · 10 months ago
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Mutuals only, multimuse blog, written by sofia
MUSES (for info press the link on their name. wip): test muse: Edwin from Dead Boy Dete.ctives. primary: we'll see. Secondary: Ed/Riddler (Gotham & multimedia. used to be a solo blog) 🌙 Guillermo (used to be a solo blog) Laszlo, Nadja (WWDITS). 🌙 Izzy (OFMD. used to be a solo blog)🌙 Will (used to be a solo blog), Karen, Jane,  & Kelly (OCish) (Stranger Things)🌙 Amy, (B99)🌙 Irving & Tyrell (Mr Robot) 🌙 Max/Erik/Magneto (X-Men) 🌙 Thomas (Black Sails)
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askfacultystaff · 3 months ago
Has triple-m ever asked you guys, that characters of TLH and TCG, about if you guys would be seeing The Casagrandes Movie and No Time to Spy?
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Lynn Sr.: ..... We already watched "The Casagrandes Movie"-
Rita: But as for the sequel from our first movie... It was a major failure, especially how overused so-called "David Steele" themes are put throughout the sequel.
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Lori: Oh come on, Leni. It's literally just a movie. He's our important brother, and for what he did is just save us from our death! If not, we would die in space just like her husband, Mr. Dufus- 😅
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Leni: Lori! In this "like" failure movie, Lincoln didn't learn his lesson after everything all! Admitted he's just a dumb kid playing spy, and ruined our lives and our grandparents' wedding!
Leni: "Like" if we just punish him even we understand Dufus manipulated him under guise of so-called spy mission, this won't happen! What were they thinking!? We hate David Steele just like we hate Ace Savvy in first place! 😟
Luna: We told Triple-M that we already watched "The Casagrandes Movie", duh. Punguari is more marvelous and stronger than Morag. Morag almost killed us just to restore peace and quiet for her, you know?
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Albert Reynolds: What we love part of movie is we get married at tropical island. It predicted our dreams came true. I couldn't imagine if i didn't fulfill 🙂
Myrtle Reynolds: Our grandchildren are just like angels in our eyes. Our family is bigger than before 😊
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Luan: Mr. Coconuts! How in the world they shown name "RonnieColn" in one of her playlists?
Mr. Coconuts: Relationship between Lincoln and Ronnie Anne?
Luan: Yes! You're right! That's controversial!! Remember she bullied him back at elementary school in first place? Just because she used to be a bully doesn't mean she likes him! Lori and Bobby can marry each other in future! It's more likely he and Ronnie Anne become estranged siblings-in-laws! Lincoln deserves to marry Sid Chang in future! 😟
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Lynn: *Broke pieces of front door* No time to spy? More like "No time to be selfish and reckless"! This is the worst sequel we ever seen in our lives!!! Stop with spy games, it's getting worse!!! 😠
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Lucy: Sigh. Losing our only brother is as sad as my soul. Especially in future, i plan for coffins in case of one of my family members' death.
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Lana and Lola: We already watched "The Casagrandes Movie"!
Lana: Not trying to sound heartless, but Ronnie Anne deserved to be trapped in hidden room for denying family time and being rebellious. It's like she's disowned as a sister!
Lola: As for our sequel from our first movie, we are too young to go on risky places. We might seriously get injured badly, we are children!
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Lisa: Fear not, Lily. I made a poster to replace failed movie. It's called "Loud Summer Movie". Let's see if we convince workers to create screenshots and animations.
Lily: Hehehehe, Wiwy can't wait! 😏
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Rosa Casagrande: Too bad our series are cancelled, but we are happy our movie reached a success level. Just like a Coco movie, my familia 😀
Maria Santiago: Someday, i wish they made another spinoff featuring Chang family.
Bobby Santiago: I can't wait to marry my babe in future! 🙂
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Rama: ........ Why they have to make me as an anti-hero?......
(Seems like Rama is traumatized now.... Poor him.... Not everyone is going to love "No Time To Spy: A Loud House Movie" - -)
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